Mahaka Advertising

Mahaka Advertising

Mahaka Advertising

The unfavorable economic conditions during the year 2015 has suppressed the sales of outdoor media advertising. Mahaka Advertising was affected by such conditions. However, the change in its business strategy by focusing on the sale of its own advertising media inventory and reducing the use of leased advertising media would hopefully improve the cash flow and strengthen the business foundation of Mahaka Advertising in the coming years. The outdoor media industry, especially in Jakarta, also enters a new era. The change of the licensing system for outdoor advertising business into one-stop service has affected the operations, mainly in the license issuance rapidity, because of the transitional period of such one-stop service. The year 2015 was also marked by the relocation of Mahaka Advertising office to Imperium Tower P.11 as part of an efficiency program and a strategy of integration with other business units of Mahaka Media tbk such as Gen FM and Jak FM. By combining these operations offices the synergy of Mahaka Media business units in sales could be achieved. As the gratitude to God for this new office,
Mahaka. Advertising. invited. and. gave. donation. to. fatherless. children. from. Muhammadiyah. –. Aisyiyah. Family’s. orphanage. house.. The


Address Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Menara Imperium Lt. P11, Kuningan Super Blok Kav 1 Jakarta 12980
Tel. +62 21 83707171
Fax +62 21 83707172