
Aged 23 years on January 4th 2016, Republika has shown the maturity of a mass media institution. The completeness of its platform has fulfilled the need of its audience: Beginning with printed newspaper, then online news site, Republika has now encompassed e-paper, digital magazine and native apps, as well as being a force to be reckoned with in the world of social media and event management. Republika’s platform completeness has gone hand in hand with the strengthening in quality. As is the tradition in the previous years, the strength in quality is reflected in the various awards received. Republika’s works across 2015 received several prestigious awards in the field of journalism including Adinegoro, MH Thamrin Award, and Pertamina Award for content; as well as Indonesia Print Media Awards (IPMA) and Indonesia Young Readers Awards (IYRA) in the field of design. Republika also earned recognition from “Badan Bahasa” as the best Indonesian language newspaper. Special public recognition happened on October 8th 2015. The newspaper edition on that day featured the front cover covered by smoke so as the news on the
front. page. could. not. be. read.. This. was. an. expression. of. empathy. from. Republika. for. the. victims. of. the. haze. in. Sumatra. and. Kalimantan.
Address | Jl. Warung Buncit Raya No. 37 Jakarta Selatan 12510 |
Tel. | 021 780 3747 |
Fax | 021 799 7903 |
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